Tuesday 29 July 2014

School Style

School holidays. Six long weeks of summer fun await us, so naturally the first thing I did was make my daughter try on school uniform ready for September! As any seasoned mother knows, start early! If you wait, even a week or two & all the best bits will be gone! September also sees my three year old son start nursery. He will be joining my daughters school & so uniform for him too!


There is so much choice now, unfortunately most of it is terrible quality, but you can still get amazingly priced, quality school uniform, you just have to know what's what & aren't you lucky that I've already done it for you!


I am a big fan of sainsburys clothes, always excellent value & super quality, not to mention stylish & age appropriate! Their uniform is no except.


This is Grace modelling her Sainsburys pleated skirt -only £5.50. They also do this in a beautiful empire line pinafore but they didn't have it in her size, so I've got to keep trying because it is absolutely beautiful! I think it was £7 or thereabouts. So absolute bargain!

Another thing I love about Sainsburys is their sportswear- very affordable & lots of Lycra so nothing loses it's shape! This year, I bought Grace their amazing 'skorts' so she can be girly but keep her dignity! They were an unbelievable £3.50!! I also got her these brilliant 'yoga pants' for outdoor PE £10 for two pairs!

Hugh did very well too. He is very slim & not very tall for his age so luckily Sainsburys uniform starts at age two! This is Hugh all dressed up for his first day (taster session) at 'school'

Shorts were £6 for two pairs, socks £4 for 5 pairs & polo shirts £3 for 3 all sainsburys. Shoes were an absolute bargain- £4 in Mothercare's massive clearance - real leather too! I did buy him two pairs for trousers from Sainsburys but I am returning them as I found the perfect pair! Marks & Spencer also start at 2 years and they do a 'slim fit'! They are considerably more expensive at £9 for one pair, but they just look so much better! Well worth the extra for me.


Whilst I was picking up Hugh's trousers, I grabbed a few more pieces for Grace ;


This jersey pinafore was on a sale rack so I'm assuming it was last years, or perhaps a discontinued style. But it was £3! I grabbed two!

I love the structure of this pinafore too, I've ordered it for her. Reminds me of a St.Trinians meets Roedean girl!

I'm not a fan at all of skirts at school - come untucked too easily, but Grace begged so I relented (she is an exceptionally hardworking girl, so I give in now & then) this is what she got. Also M & S.


Finally, what pleased her the most was .....trousers. I hate girls in school trousers. Just too casual for me, but again, I relented because she does work hard & I am making her wear the St Trinians dress!

Actually, they aren't too bad..... And they do have this super cute detailing on the pocket ;
These were £9 again, from Marks & Spencer.
Generally, I find M &S to be the best all rounder. Priced slightly higher, I find their quality to be better, but that is not to knock Sainsburys. I wouldn't put my children in it if I didn't rate it. Which is exactly why I don't buy Tesco or Asda uniform. Honestly, it's not much cheaper than Sainsburys but the quality is, I find shockingly poor. Take my advice, stick to M & S and Sainsburys.



Fashion Friday on MummysGotStyle.com


  1. Gorgeous post and we love M&S too. need to stock up on uniform actually for September. Thanks for linking up to #fashionfriday

    1. M&S are brilliant, hold their shape, wash well & look brilliant. But have a look in Sainsburys too, I really do rate them. Hugh is wearing their shorts & they have washed brilliantly. Love permanent creases! X
